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Jurr van Dalen 


Visionary pragmatist with experience in- and passion for management of change, transitions and business development towards a fair, sustainable society. Supporting the balance between ecology, economics and a livable environment.

My vision is that sustainability, social and business success can be achieved simultaneously - by leading initiatives, innovation and cooperation, for example in the energy sector, circular economy, culture & heritage, in the creation of social value & the development of talents (already from a young age).

Believing in the power of people and their ability to develop as individuals, believing in the necessity of thinking and acting internationally, convinced that performance should be rewarded and wealth to be shared, working towards a sustainable and harmonious society, this all by cherishing our civil rights and shared values.

Key words: circular economy, sustainable development, strategy, innovation, knowledge and talent development, change management, ‘Energiewende’/power-to-the-people, team work, social entrepreneurship, cross-border development, ethics and integrity, behavioral change, Europe, culture, heritage, nature.

Experience in:
*Strategy management
*Renewable energy & local initiatives
*Supervisory, negotiatior & chairing roles
*Management of professional services
*Cross cultural management
*Programme management
*Research and teaching
*Talent & education development




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